James David Aston

Born : 9th November 2001

Weight : 7lb 6oz

Click on the thumbnails below to see the larger versions.....

dave_james2.jpg (22258 bytes)helen_james.jpg (23762 bytes)helen_james2.jpg (11983 bytes)james_going_home2.jpg (21185 bytes)piglet_james.jpg (11625 bytes)

First few weeks...

james_in_cot.jpg (9300 bytes)james_mat_playing.jpg (23920 bytes)james_ronas_poo.jpg (11359 bytes)meeting_father_christmas.jpg (24928 bytes)

Christmas 2001...

January 2002

March 2002

May 2002

His First Birthday!

October 2003 - nearly 2 years old!

His Second Birthday!

The first family portrait.....